DigiBarn site visitor PhantomSteve:
Re: Rooms for Windows....
Some info can be found at these URLs: (COMPUTE! ISSUE 152 / MAY 1993 / PAGE 98 "Rooms for Windows. (operating system enhancement) (Software Review) (Evaluation) by Beth C. Fishkind" You might want to contact Richard Kincaid (email is on his resume) - his resume includes "Xerox - Principal Software Scientist [...] 1991-1992 Lead developer and team leader of Rooms for Windows, the first highly successful and visible low-end Windows-based product from the XSoft division of Xerox. Significant contributions were made to the actual development as well as a broad range of technical program management roles." Byte August 2004 - Cover Story - "Managing the new document" includes.. "What happens if, even after sophisticated filtering, you are inundated with documents that match your search criteria? PARC researchers Stuart Card, Jock Mackinlay and George Robertson have created an Information Visualizer that explores ways to present orders of ma gnitude more data on a computer screen than is now possible with GUIs. One technique involves creating 3-D trees of linked objects, which can be rotated in space to select certain topics. Another concept, ``rooms'' of flexibly grouped files and programs, resulted in a commercial product from XSoft called Rooms for Windows."
Dr. Stuart K. Card (mentioned in the Byte article) is a Senior Research Fellow at PARC (with their User Interface Research Group - according to a paper "prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization." Jeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card, and James A. Landay. In CHI 2005, Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2005 - see "publications" at URL
... the PARC press release when he was appointed as Senior Research Fellow included the paragraph "Stu's work on the study of window systems led to several versions of the "Rooms" product, which provided a multi-screen collection of window workspaces. The first version of this was written and developed by Stu Card and Austin Henderson and sold with Interlisp-D systems developed at PARC. Stu then worked with the team that developed a version for Xsoft - GlobalView Rooms in 1992 and two versions of Rooms for PC products also created by Xsoft - "Rooms for Windows" and "X/Rooms". In 1994, Stu worked again with Xsoft to create TabWorks and the Visual Recall tool, based on the perspective wall and cone tree visualizations of information." - incidently, Jock McKinlay who is also mentioned in the BYTE article is also at PARC. Finally, if you are a member of ACM (I'm not), there is the paper written by Stuart Card and Jock McKinlay in 1986 entitled "Rooms: the use of multiple virtual workspaces to reduce space contention in a window-based graphical user interface", which can be accessed (in PDF form) at |