The PolyMorphic Systems Poly 88 Thanks to Mark Lottor we have a beautiful PolyMorphic Systems Poly 88 in its hard case including the system, screen, home built keyboard, cassette interface and a whole tub of Poly 88 boards. This machine was derived from an earlier project to create a "micro-Altair", hence its diminutive size. It and the larger 8813 were produced by PolyMorphic Systems of Santa Barbara, California in the 1977-78 period (and perhaps later?).
Know anything about the Poly 88? Contact us! |
Poly88 Documentation and Software
See Also: Randy Wilson's Rwebs page on the Poly 88 Bybee Web's PolyMorphic Emulator Program PolyMorphic Systems documentation Know anything about the PolyMorphic Systems Poly 88? Contact us! |
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