Colby and his many innovations

We were
blessed by a visit of Chuck Colby on July 10, 2003 invited by longtime
DigiBarn supporter Daniel Kottke.
Chuck is one of the industry's prime innovators having created a number
of firsts in the packaging of computing capability. Chuck now narrates
some of his innovations:

is the famous Colby WalkMac that was
on the cover of all the magazines. Customers ranged from the Greatful
Dead rock band to Peter Jennings of CBS news It was the first battery
powered Mac and the first portable Mac with an LCD display. Many thousands
of these were sold from1987 to1991, and before Apple came out with their
portable, when anyone called Apple in search of a portable Mac, Apple
gave them Colby's Phone number. Even when Apple came out with their portable,
the WalkMac SE 30 continued to sell well because the first Apple Portable
was way underpowered compared to the WalkMac SE30, which was based on
the Mac SE 30 motherboard. The name was later changed to Colby SE30 after
Sony threatened to sue over the name WalkMac because they said it was
too close to Walkman.
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