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DigiBarn Computer Museum Feature Story:
Daniel Kottke's Amazing Apple Relics

See also our re-scanning and in-depth documenting of all these relics at the Making the Mac pages and the Documenting the Mac pages, all part of our Mac at 20 site. Find out more about Daniel at the DigiBarn's pages on Daniel Kottke.

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The earliest Apple III, and Apple II Documentation

Daniel with Apple III board
he wire wrapped
(the only prototype for a whole year of the project)

Prototype board for the Apple III, the only prototype used for a full year before the product release

Closeup of Apple III board
Early notes on improvements to the Apple II
Whole drawer of Apple II related notes

The original Apple II "red book" (January 1978

We have been filled in about this wonderful little book by J. Trees
(Timeframe: Sept. 1977)

"When it became clear that [Steve] Jobs's plan to ship a polished manual with the computers [Apple IIs] would cause a long delay, (1st Apple Computer, Inc. President Michael) Scott started to assemble his own. All along he favored distributing plain data sheets, so Apple's first manual contained listings of codes and instructions for hooking up the computer. It was copied by a duplicating service in a local shopping mall. The instructions were then slipped between report covers purchased at McWhirter's stationery store in Cupertino and packed with the computer. Some months later Scott cobbled together a slightly more elaborate manual which [Apple's first head of personnel/secretary] Sherry Livingston typed."

[From "The Little Kingdom" by Michael Moritz, p. 202, 1984]
A *must* read of early Apple Computer history; can be found used (out of print).

See also: http://apple2history.org/history/ah04.html


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