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Altair Computer Notes Volume Two
An amazingly kind eBay seller threw in this manual with my Altair 8800b system and this turned out to be a bonanza. A MITS publication detailing early user experience articles in topics such as Small Computer Networking (the first network of PCs ever?), Altair Implementation in the Graphic Arts (the first PC desktop publishing?), Mailbox (the first email for PCs?), and Altair Polka (MIDI before MIDI?). All of these articles are from the 1976-77 period presumably about work from 1975 onwards. This binder was undoubtely used as a sales tool on the road (perhaps with the mits RV tours). A wonderful look into Computer History!
Enjoy.. click on the pages to see full sized views.
Cover and Table of Contents
Cover for Computer Notes volume two
Table of ContentsStory: Small Computer Networking -
(perhaps the first computer network done on a
real personal computer)
Small Computer Networking -
By Bob Matthews (Dec 1976)
second page of Networking
programs even share altair
resources over the network!Story: Altair Implementations in the Graphics Arts
(eight years before PostScript and the Macintosh)
See Barry Yarkon's story of this article here
ALTAIR in the Graphic Arts
By Barry J Yarkon (Nov 1976)
Graphic Arts
Output on a optical pagesetterStory: Mailbox
Possibly the first wireless messaging (via HAM radio)
ever done with personal computers
Mailbox implementation
By David Le Jeune (Nov 1976)
the Mailbox program, surprisingly
small and efficient for a 45 baud radio
connection. Hows that for 30
years ago?Story: BASIC Goes Bach with the Altair Polka
Wendy Carlos eat your heart out!
Altair Polka, BASIC goes Bach
By Doug Jones (Jan-Feb 1977)
polka2.jpgOther MITS/Altair Resources at the DigiBarn and around the web:
See also our MITS@40 Celebration
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