San Francisco Bay Area resident Bill Jackson gave us a great overview of his years at Xerox when we visited him in October of 2005 to pick up two MAXC boards. Bill kindly provided
The following piece is narrated by Tommy Cuellar for Digibarn Radio.
See Digibarn Radio for other audio podcasts!

Interview with Bill Jackson (9.5MB MP3): Bill Jackson talks with Digibarn curator Bruce Damer on the MAXC boards, about Xerox PARC, Alto fonts, and the only Xerox rendering of outline to raster fonts in the Cedar imaging system. Bill goes on to describe replacing the MAXC, the Xerox networks, Alan Freier, the Dorado, Cedar, someone taking the Alto home to run out of his house (hey lets get extra hours out of your worker!), the beginning of the Docuprint project (Cedar imaging subsystem printing at high speed from Interpress, outline fonts), "bits by October" decomposing Postscript and printing at 40 pages per minute (1988), lead-in to Docutech project, and the birth of the DEC Firefly Dragon and Sun Dragon projects (the last D-machine, see below), Globalview on SPARC (IPC), Sun Dragon and the end of the road of the Xerox Mesa/D-machines, Scorpion system for researchers, Topaz print engine/workstation. Bruce's comments in the discussion, Elixir and the Docutech launch, Alto III etc. Phew! What a lot of Xerox History!

DEC Firefly Dragon
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