Byte Nov 1975 pg 77 (notice about Homebrew Computer Club)
Transcribed from the November 1975 issue of Byte by Michael Holley:
BYTE Magazine, November 1975, Page 77
Clubs and Newsletters
The Evolution of the Homebrew Computer Club
BYTE has received the latest issue of the Homebrew Computer Club Newsletter, now edited by Robert Reiling, 193 Thompson Sq., Mountain View CA 94043. This club was started with a meeting on March 5, 1975, assembled by founders Fred Moore and Gordon French. Fred has been pretty much running the show since then via the newsletter activity. However, Fred's personal plans took him to the Washington DC area in the middle of August so he had to pass the ball along to someone else in the Silicon Valley. According to the newsletter dated Aug. 20, 1975, the following persons are now working on the club and newsletter:
Robert Reiling, editor.
John Schulein, technical editor.
Tom Pittman, mailing list.
Lenny Shuster, meeting room.
Ray Boaz, treasurer.
The Aug. 20 issue is nicely done in a very professional photo offset format. It includes notes by John Schulein and Tom Pittman on the problem of audio cassette recording standards. (See BYTE's conference announcement elsewhere in this issue for some additional inputs.) The issue also includes comments by Ken McGinnis on TV display timing for the computer hobbyist, and some random data of interest compiled by Robert Reiling. The Homebrew Computer Club meets every two weeks at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, usually in the auditorium. Ask a guard for directions when you get there. Extrapolating the every two week algorithm from known dates of Aug. 20 and Sept. 3 gives the following dates in October and November: Oct. 1, 15, 29; Nov. 12, 26. The address for correspondence is temporarily Robert Reiling's site, but arrangements are being made for a club post office box