DigiBarn TV Feature:
Video on the Xerox Star 8010 Professional Workstation
By Xerox in the 1982-84 time frame with the historical look back in 1998 |

DigiBarn is proud to present digital restorations of original Xerox videos from the introduction and first years of the Xerox Star 8010 professional workstation as well as videos from the CHI '98 demo of the Xerox Star and from the final public demonstration of the Xerox Star held at PARC on June 17, 1998. It was at this demonstration that your curator, Bruce Damer, decided to build the DigiBarn site which led to the full development of the DigiBarn Computer Museum project three years later.
Videos from the time of the introduction and early use of Star (1982-84)
Video from the demonstration of the Xerox Star held at CHI '98 in April 1998
Videos from the final public demonstration of the Xerox Star held at PARC on June 17, 1998
Videos from the time of the introduction and early use of Star (1982-84)
We would like to acknowledge Dave Smith for providing these videos.
Press play to view Xerox Star and the professional (or view this piece larger on YouTube or at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
The Star User Interface (or view this piece larger on YouTube or at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Xerox Star at CHI '85 - 8010 Star Graphics, the User Interface
(or view this piece larger on YouTube or at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
The Xerox Star and Apple Lisa were demonstrated in a joint session at CHI '98. This detailed video of the demonstration of the Xerox Star user interface was presented by David Smith and Dave Curbow. Thanks to Frank Ludolph for providing this illustrative video! Also see the demo of the Apple Lisa done in the same session.
Video from the demonstration of the Xerox Star held at CHI '98 in Los Angeles, April 1998 (or view this piece larger on YouTube or at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Videos from the final public demonstration of the Xerox Star held at PARC on June 17, 1998
We would like to thank Marcin Wichary for providing digitized versions of these videos. See his GUIdebook Graphical User Interface gallery for histories of great graphical user interfaces through the ages.
Final Public Star Demo - Introduction (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
David Liddle on Star (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Belleville & Garner on Star (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Dave Smith on Star - live demo (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Dave Curbow on Star (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
Questions and Answers (or view this piece larger on YouTube or all five parts at the DigiBarn Collection at Archive.org)
See also:

Our pages on the Xerox Star 8010 and the history of the Desktop metaphor.
Dave Curbow's site on the history of the Xerox Star 8010 at the DigiBarn.
Our coverage of the June 17, 1998 Final Public Star Demo.
View our videos on contemprary UI systems: the Intran Metaform system and the Elixir applications and the Apple Lisa.
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