TEMPEST MacIntosh SE 30 / 1891T
Acquired: May 23, 2001 with thanks to Greg Wassmann
News! The Watchmen movie features a copy of our real TEMPEST SE/1891T as the computer on the protagonist's desk! See the news of this on Gizmodo (images courtesy Gizmodo.com). Thanks Hamish Purdy, set dresser, for making this happen. What I wrote to Gizmodo:
I shot high resolution photos of our "black mac" SE/1891T for the producers of Watchmen and their model shop made a duplicate, in black, for the protagonists desk. I toured the set in Vancouver about 15 months ago (December 2007) with my brother Eric, it was a great gift back for supporting the film (no photos allowed on the set). Glad to see it is finally out!
And now for our "real black mac" SE/1891T (although it is beige!)
As featured in in
News and again
on April 22nd!
Black Mac manufacturer found! Candes
Systems of Harleysville PA.

SE 30 1891T
This very odd
MacIntosh is a fine specimen of a Tempest shielded (hence the "T"
in the model number 1891T) MacIntosh SE 30 computer made by Candes
Systems of Harleyville PA.
Made of metal
(the case) and with a handle to be more easily carried (we suspect
by an officer or other operative) the interior of this Mac was designed
to foil any snoops.
More information
will be provided here, kindly given to use by Candes Systems |
the most striking feature of the "Black Mac" is the flop
down front, revealing an opening for a removable hard drive (Syquest drive we are told). |

cover is in turn studded with copper coils indicative of the famous
"tempest" shielding used by government agencies and others
to prohibit electromagnetic impulses from exiting a device and to
thereby be detected. You would be surprised how much can be sensed
from a distance from common devices (the LEDs in your router, they
produce a discharge that can be read from some distance by sensitive
devices). |
Around the back
is this weird bulge serving what purpose we do not know. The faceplate
is missing. There is a label naming the manufacturer of this case.
We have been assured by Apple folks that based on the properly designated
model number on the front that this is a "real" MacIntosh
So did this
"black Mac" fight Star Wars for Ronald Regan back in '87-88?
Anybody out there have any more information about this rare and
precious piece of MacIntosh history? Please, please contact
us! |
Know anything special about this or other Apple artifacts? Contact us!
Comment by Jason Brown, August 30, 2005
The black mac, the se/30t with the flip down front. I looked closely at your photos and the black drive in the front is not a bernouli drive. It is a syquest drive, original 40 meg cartridge. My father ran a graphics business and i have sen literally hundreds of the disks for those and we owned quite literally 25-26 drives that used those cartridges. Later models of the drive supported 80 meg and were silver instead of black. Just thought you would like a little more fact on this machine =) |
See Also:
Links to
other Tempest Macintosh sites
See images sent by Candes of the CSI 1891T and other Tempest Macintoshes
our Tempest MacIntosh Plus generously donated by Candes Systems
863T Tempest Macintosh computer at professor Hal Layer's Mind
Machine Museum

Our large collection of Apple computers and other artifacts