Digibarn Events:

The LINC 45th Birthday & Retrospective
(November, 2007)
The photo albums below represent the best images of the LINC event, from the point of departure of the LINC from St. Louis to its time at the Vintage Computer Festival to its eventual final resting place at the Digibarn. Follow the LINC restoration and historical recounting team as they follow the LINC on its journey! Most photos credit Bruce Damer, some were contributed by Mikey and Bill Goldberg.
The itinearary:
The LINC as it departs St. Louis, MO (October 2007)
The LINC on show at the Vintage Computer Festival 10
The LINC Panel Audience
The LINC Panel at the VCF
The LINC Panel Presentation
The LINC Panel Awards
The LINC Panel Cake Ceremony
Visit to Poonhill (Severo and Laura's)
Delivery and Installation of the LINC at the Digibarn (Monday November 5th)
LINC Installation
LINC working!
LINC Team in the Digibarn
LINC Signing
LINC Group Shot
LINC Event Collage