#63 -- re Jack Gilmore: When I'd first met him it was in the dead of night at Whirlwind, where he helped me with getting my program into the machine. I inferred from this that he was an operator, but he has since straightened me out. I should have said that he, along with Adams, were among the world's first operating system programmers.
#128 -- re Alan Kay: He did say this! I had simply forgotten it but remembered the great line.
#145 -- re Alan Kay: It wasn't Alan's imagery here, but Chuck Thacker's So have a go in good health!
P.S. Augarten either gave up on completing his contract with some publisher or other to get his book into cd-rom-able form, or went on to finish without sending me any more stuff for comment. I know that he subsequently started and ran a little BYTE-ish mag for a while, but when I contacted him a few years ago for his ok to send my commentaries to Waldrop, he said he had no problem with sending it to anyone I wanted to. He was then in Paris writing plays!