Its DigiBarn Radio!
Audio shows and Podcasts from the people who lived computing history and invented brought us the digital lifestyle
DigiBarn Radio Audio Interviews and Presentations (get the Podcast!)
Listen to super audio shows produced by, about or donated to the DigiBarn Computer Museum. Look for the "vintage radio with wiggly knob" above when you visit our pages having DigiBarn Radio programs. Note that all content is licensed for non profit use with attribution and share-alike under our creative commons license. See some of our DigiBarn Radio highlights below. If you want to contribute a piece to DigiBarn Radio, contact us!
Listen to these shows by directly clicking on the vintage radio icons below which will download and play the MP3 or other types of sound files (you may have to get a sound player first). And find ALL DigiBarn Radio and other recordings in our Collection at Archive.org. Another option is to become a DigiBarn Radio Podcast subscriber by following the steps the box below:

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And now for the DigiBarn Radio Shows...
New DigiBarn Radio Interviews and Presentations
Years - 2016 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
2016 DigiBarn Radio Features

The Levity Zone Podcast #47: The DigiBarn does Apple@30 back in 2006 (broadcast Mar 2016)

The Levity Zone Podcast #46: Steve Wozniak visits the DigiBarn back in 2006 (broadcast Feb 2016)
2009 DigiBarn Radio Features

Rich Didday on his life and times including Finite State Fantasies (May 2009)

Bob Frankston causes Global Financial Meltdown (interviews with Bruce Damer) (April 2009)

Interview of BYTE Magazine founder Carl Helmers (April 2009)
2008 DigiBarn Radio Features

Rob Barnaby on the history of WordStar, IMSAI, Micropro and more! (June 2008)
2007 DigiBarn Radio Features

Audio of the LINC panel (November 2007)

Steve Weintz and Bruce Damer in conversation about NeXT and a lot else (August 18, 2007)

E6-B9 Flight Computer Dan Eggerding and Janek Kaliczak (both pilots) explain how our recently donated E6-B (9) flight computer works and is used to fly airplanes (August 11, 2007)
2006 DigiBarn Radio Features

Lee Felsenstein gives us a "talking tour" of all nine sheets of the schematics of the Osborne 1 computer (Nov 12, 2006).

Mark Lottor on the PolyMorphic Systems Poly 88 (Nov 2006)

Digibarn's Apple@30 event recorded at the Vintage Computer Festival (Nov 4, 2006)

Processor Technology and the Sol-20 computer, 30 years later, a panel recorded on Nov 5, 2006
The 25th Anniversary of the launch of the IBM Personal Computer Model 5150
(recorded August 2006)
March 1975: The Story of Two Streams (recorded July 2006)

NEW: tune into Macintosh Folklore Radio brought to you by Derek Warren
We want to turn these Digibarn Radio pieces into proper podcast formats, anyone want to help?

Brooke Boering and the story of Felt & Tarrant and the comptometer (June 2006)

Bruce Damer gives a full tour of the Digibarn collection, listen on Digibarn Radio! (June 2006)
John Draper tells the story of his time at Autodesk (May 2006)

Mark Goldstein on MicroAge, the home/office of the future, computer music and much more
(January 2006)!
2005 DigiBarn Radio Features

Homebrew@30 Homebrew Computer Club 30 Year Retrospective Panel audio (November 5,2005)

Erik Klein and his Altair 8800 playing "Fool on the Hill" and "Daisy" in a reconstruction of Steve Dompier's famous April 16, 1975 demo at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, CA (Nov 2005).

Bill Jackson on Xerox, Xerox PARC and the evolution of Xerox computing hardware (October 2005)
Vulcan Ventures, Weatherhead Experience Design - visit DigiBarn (April 27, 2005)

JJ Webb on the first virus scanner and much more (April 2005)
Brad Blasing on the Cray Q2 and Cray 1 Supercomputers (April 2005)

Bob Glass on Apple, System 7, UI, portables and more (April 2005)
Denton Pearson on the IBM PC/AT and PC 5155 transportable (April 2005)
Bill Fletcher on the Stringy Floppy (April 2005)
Mark Brinkerhoff on the Be Box bezel (April 2005)
Mike Riddle & History of CAD (January 2005)

Bill Goldberg on Steve Jobs
(recorded February 2004, two stories, introduced by Allan Lundell & Bruce Damer - March 2005)

Last DigiBarn interview with Jef Raskin (January 29, 2005)
2004 DigiBarn Radio Features

Maze War 30 Year Retrospective
Audio of panel from special event held at the Vintage Computer Festival, (Nov 7, 2004)

Bill Goldberg on the Fileware floppy media used on the Apple Lisa 1
(recorded February 2004)

Bill Goldberg on the Osborne 1 computer (recorded February 2004)
2003 DigiBarn Radio Features

Celebration of the Xerox Alto's 30th Anniversary and Birthday Bash
at the Vintage Computer Festival #6 (Oct 11-12, 2003)

DigiBarn panel at the Vintage Computer Festival #6, Oct 12, 2003,
Bruce Damer and Allan Lundell presenting

Bryan Blackburn interview on Digtial Group's 1970s computer systems
(Oct 13, 2003)

Bill Goldberg on the Woz Wonderbook
(the first documentation on the Apple II from 1977 - recorded January 2003)
2002 DigiBarn Radio Features
2001 DigiBarn Radio Features

#1 DigiBarn Radio Interview with Producer Al Lundell and Curator Bruce Damer (Realplayer format, 5MB, 56 minutes) from Al's hot tub on Rainbow Ridge, Boulder Creek California. Topics such as: why did the Mac decline? Gates and Jobs, what about 3D GUIs and stasis of GUIs, real-time computer animation production, wireless WiFi video over IP (network cameras), why did videophones fail? future of the DigiBarn museum project. (Summer 2001)
Broadcast Radio Features

DigiBarn curator Bruce Damer was featured on KUSP 88.9 FM Central Coast Public Radio (Santa Cruz) program Geek Speak (Nov 5, 2004). Listen to the segment stored on the DigiBarn site here (10.8MB MP3) and on the Geek Speak server here. This show focused on the Nov 7th Maze War 30th Anniversary event and the DigiBarn in General.
Crew of Geek Speak and Bruce Damer

Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt were interviewed on Geek Speak KUSP 88.9 FM (Sept 23, 2002)

DigiBarn featured on BBC Radio 4, Saturday June 29, 2002
see this page for internet version of Programme 4, and this page for participants or play our copy of the audio file (MP3)
Musical Features

Ever Onward and other classic IBM Company Songs (Thanks Dan Croghan)
SGI Octane Songs
Bottom Stuff
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