Computer Systems

Xerox 6085 "Daybreak" (several systems in a fully functional network - thanks Dave Curbow and Inge Scherer)
Xerox 860 IPS (thanks Chris Garcia)
Xerox 820 II CP/M microcomputer (thanks Inge Scherer)
Xerox 8000 Server (thanks Inge Scherer)
Xerox 8010 Star 8010 "Dandelion" (two of them, one working! thanks Alan Freier)
Xerox 8090 Server (thanks Alan Freier)
Xerox/Century Data removable disk cabinets (thanks Inge Scherer)

Xerox Alto II XM, thanks Mallorys! Also see our Alto mouse and keyset

Alan Freier and the D0 "Dolphin"
Xerox "D0" Dolphin and its story and the story of the "D*" machines (by Alan O. Freier)
Xerox Dlily "Bounty Board" (single board implementation of MESA/viewpoint environment)
Xerox Intran Edition running on Sun IPX (thanks )
Other Xerox Artifacts

Xerox 4045 Laser Printer/Copier/Scanner (thanks Inge Scherer)
The Xerox 9700 Electronic Printing System (its story told here)

DEC Firefly prototype dual processor card and history of the Xerox Dragon (thanks Ed Satterthwaite) and
boards from a Xerox MAXC time sharing system built at Xerox PARC (thanks Ed Satterthwaite and Bill Jackson)
Ethernet Tap and Transceiver from Xerox PARC (late 1970s)

See our Alto II XM mouse and Alto II XM keyset (thanks Mallorys)
Xerox PARC mousepad for the dedication of the Pake Auditorium - 1996 (Thanks Tracy Kugelman)
Xerox Computer Marble Paperweight (Xerox Computer Users Group, 1973)
Xerox Documentation

Huge collection of Xerox documentation including Xerox Alto & PARC research reports, Xerox Star 8010, binders for 6085/Viewpoint, 860, 820, GlobalView and various brochures. Also includes Viewpoint manuals - equations section sample.

Dave Curbow's extensive Xerox Star Historical Documents.
Alan Freier's "Wildflower" web site that was actually hosted for a time on an actual Star 8010 Dandelion with a custom built web server

Xerox Documenter brochure (1987) and Xerox Intran Edition Brochures (1989)

A Decade of Research, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 1970-1980
Xerox PARC Reports including the Alto paper (thanks Ed Satterthwaite)

Actual Original drawing of Ethernet by Bob Metcalfe at Xerox PARC (thanks parc, inc., Tracy Kugelman) and
early drawing of Ethernet by Bob Metcalfe at Xerox PARC (thanks Alan Freier)
Xerox Mesa PrincOps Language Manual (thanks Alan Freier)
Xerox Software in Operation

Xerox Alto operating system and applications

Xerox Star 8010 operating system and applications

Maze War running on Xerox Alto and Xerox Star 8010/6085
Xerox on Digibarn TV and Digibarn Radio!

Digibarn TV: movies of Xerox systems in action (GUIs on the Xerox STAR 8010)

Celebration of the Xerox Alto's 30th Anniversary and Birthday Bash at the Vintage Computer Festival #6 (Oct 11-12, 2003)

Bill Jackson on Xerox, Xerox PARC and the evolution of Xerox computing hardware (October 2005)
Xerox Historic Locations & Stuff
Xerox PARC and the small Xerox museum in El Segundo, California

Stendig sectional "caterpillar" couch purchased by Bill English for the Xerox PARC Computer Science Lab area (mid 1970s)
... and there is much more on the site about Xerox, simply click here and search for "XEROX" at the DigiBarn